Friday, March 25, 2016


      So I've come up with something new that i will make an attempt at drawing. I will try to make a optical illusion which is something that requires more than just a quick glance.Once you look at it it will be something that you don't  expect to see it'll be something that tricks your mind. So once I figure out how to post pictures onto the log i'll show you what i'm attempting to draw. If you like it just put it in the comments section below.

Friday, March 11, 2016

     Alright so I've decided to draw a landscape. I'm just not sure what it's actually going to be though. Alright i'm going to be honest. I know that drawing may not be the most interesting thing in the world but hey it's better then just sitting down and writing about what's going on in my life. So since just drawing stuff would be really boring i'm going to just make art in general. Like more then just a drawing of a person. Maybe a sculpture of a person or something like that. I could draw or make anything that comes to mind that I think I can draw.

Friday, February 26, 2016

I Changed It

     So I have ended up changing my blog idea to learning how to draw. So I changed because I started thinking about creating a video game, and it would be hard. If I was to create a good video game it would take a extremely long time and I would have to put almost all of my time into it of I was to create a video  game that would actually be worth playing. Plus I would have to code it which would take about as long as creating my video game myself. So I chose to change to learn how to draw. I don't know why but arts has just really been extremely interesting to me. So I guess i'll see you in my next blog.

Friday, February 19, 2016


     Hi my name is will. And for my 20% time I have decided to create my very own video game. I already know that this is going to be extremely hard and I am probably going to end up staying up til 12 on the last day putting everything together so i don't look like a complete idiot. But I am going to attempt the challenge. So if you are interested in stuff like that. Please pay attention. If not find a different blog to look at.